Hello beloved children of the Great I Am! Today God laid on my heart the verse Colossians 4:5, which says, "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders, making the most of every opportunity." This verse is one of those verses we can burry in our heart and live by every single day. It is so powerful and this verse is truly a reflection of Jesus. I wanted to talk about why this verse is so important, and the traits that come with using Colossians 4:5 in our own lives!
Colossians 4:5 is such an important verse because if you do as it says, many people will become saved. In other words, it says to make the most of every opportunity when you encounter outsiders. Outsiders in this verse mean non believers, and when you see a moment to share the gospel with a non believer, you need to make the most of the opportunity. The verse also says to be wise in the way you act toward the outsider. This can have multiple meanings, so here are a couple. First off, your actions need to be wise when around outsiders (or anyone), but especially outsiders. You hold a big responsibility by calling yourself a follower of Jesus, and this responsibility comes with some requirements (in a way). It isn't like you have "rules" to follow, but even around outsiders, you still need to do as Jesus would want and not fall under peer pressure. (I go more deeply into this subject in my previous blog "Not Of This World.") Moving on, when around outsiders, you need to set an example to the non believer, and not fall into the latest, ungodly trends. This is part of being wise around outsiders. The second meaning that comes with being wise is knowing what to say and what draws the line. When we share the gospel with others, we need to do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). This comes with the wisdom of knowing what is gentle and what is pushy. What I mean is that you can't attack the other person with your beliefs, but rather love on them and share the hope in you because of Jesus Christ. I know this can be hard sometimes, as I am working on it too, but if we don't share Jesus with love and respect, no one will become saved. When the verse talks about making the most out of every opportunity, this means that when you see a moment to share the gospel, you jump on it! Some examples are when you see someone sitting alone at lunch or work, you go sit with them. Someone is talking bad about the bible or God, you share with them that they are so loved by God and how He has worked in your life. You see a girl crying and upset, and you go over and ask her what's wrong, and you give her hope and love. There are so many more opportunities in your precious lives that you will encounter, and always jump on these opportunities because God has given them to you for a reason.
We talked about what Colossians 4:5 means, but now I want to talk about the traits that come with applying it to our lives. The most important traits that are needed to live by Colossians 4:5 are boldness and bravery. How can we go up to someone and make the most of a situation with out having boldness or bravery? It would be very very hard to do all on our own, and that is where Jesus comes in. Some people are naturally more bold than others, but that doesn't mean that you can't ever be bold if you weren't born that way! God is a loving God, and if you ask Him for the boldness to make the most of every opportunity, He will bless you! God wants us to be willing to share His word, and when we say, "God I am willing and ready," He will bless us and help us. So if you are naturally a bold person, than this won't be to hard. Although, if you are a shy person, this could be considered a mission to mars, but don't give up hope yet! I know how hard it can be, because I used to be super shy, but when you want to serve the Lord, He will use you, regardless of if you are shy or not. If the fear cripples in when you see an opportunity, than pray. Pray and rebuke the devil, because the fear is the devil trying to stop you from fulfilling God's will. Take a step of courage and faith, and go make the most of the opportunity. God will not leave you nor forsake you, and the bravery will be recognized by God. I am here to tell you that by stepping out in faith, you are putting your trust fully in God, which is exactly what He wants. Beloved children of God, I am so excited to see how God uses you and what opportunities you make the most of!! Have a blessed day!
- Jaycie:)
Colossians 4:5 is such an important verse because if you do as it says, many people will become saved. In other words, it says to make the most of every opportunity when you encounter outsiders. Outsiders in this verse mean non believers, and when you see a moment to share the gospel with a non believer, you need to make the most of the opportunity. The verse also says to be wise in the way you act toward the outsider. This can have multiple meanings, so here are a couple. First off, your actions need to be wise when around outsiders (or anyone), but especially outsiders. You hold a big responsibility by calling yourself a follower of Jesus, and this responsibility comes with some requirements (in a way). It isn't like you have "rules" to follow, but even around outsiders, you still need to do as Jesus would want and not fall under peer pressure. (I go more deeply into this subject in my previous blog "Not Of This World.") Moving on, when around outsiders, you need to set an example to the non believer, and not fall into the latest, ungodly trends. This is part of being wise around outsiders. The second meaning that comes with being wise is knowing what to say and what draws the line. When we share the gospel with others, we need to do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). This comes with the wisdom of knowing what is gentle and what is pushy. What I mean is that you can't attack the other person with your beliefs, but rather love on them and share the hope in you because of Jesus Christ. I know this can be hard sometimes, as I am working on it too, but if we don't share Jesus with love and respect, no one will become saved. When the verse talks about making the most out of every opportunity, this means that when you see a moment to share the gospel, you jump on it! Some examples are when you see someone sitting alone at lunch or work, you go sit with them. Someone is talking bad about the bible or God, you share with them that they are so loved by God and how He has worked in your life. You see a girl crying and upset, and you go over and ask her what's wrong, and you give her hope and love. There are so many more opportunities in your precious lives that you will encounter, and always jump on these opportunities because God has given them to you for a reason.
We talked about what Colossians 4:5 means, but now I want to talk about the traits that come with applying it to our lives. The most important traits that are needed to live by Colossians 4:5 are boldness and bravery. How can we go up to someone and make the most of a situation with out having boldness or bravery? It would be very very hard to do all on our own, and that is where Jesus comes in. Some people are naturally more bold than others, but that doesn't mean that you can't ever be bold if you weren't born that way! God is a loving God, and if you ask Him for the boldness to make the most of every opportunity, He will bless you! God wants us to be willing to share His word, and when we say, "God I am willing and ready," He will bless us and help us. So if you are naturally a bold person, than this won't be to hard. Although, if you are a shy person, this could be considered a mission to mars, but don't give up hope yet! I know how hard it can be, because I used to be super shy, but when you want to serve the Lord, He will use you, regardless of if you are shy or not. If the fear cripples in when you see an opportunity, than pray. Pray and rebuke the devil, because the fear is the devil trying to stop you from fulfilling God's will. Take a step of courage and faith, and go make the most of the opportunity. God will not leave you nor forsake you, and the bravery will be recognized by God. I am here to tell you that by stepping out in faith, you are putting your trust fully in God, which is exactly what He wants. Beloved children of God, I am so excited to see how God uses you and what opportunities you make the most of!! Have a blessed day!
- Jaycie:)
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