A message to all the forgotten. To the hurt. Abused. To all the ones taken advantage of. To the ones who have been robbed. To the broken. Hopeless. To everyone out there today who has been rejected, made fun of, and treated poorly. I want you to know who you are. I want you to know the plan that is in store for you. I want you to the hope in your future. I want you to know what hope is, and I want you to know that you are valued in the eyes of our Savior. You may have been robbed of your innocence. Taken prisoner. You may have lost all your joy and you may be ready to end it all. I don't know your story, I don't know your pain. I might not know what it is like for you tonight, or who hurt you. But I do know this. Whatever has been taken from you. Whatever you have lost tonight. You could have lost your marriage, your home, your life, your freedom. Out of all the things that have been taken from you today, I want you to know what has not been taken and what never will. Your worth cannot be stolen from you. The value of you is not up for sale, it is not even possible to be taken. No one on this earth or anywhere in the universe could steal your value. You might be thinking, "I was robbed of my life, my innocence. My worth is gone. It is not possible for me to be worthy." But no matter what you think of yourself or what anyone else thinks of you, your worth is written in the bible and cannot be changed or taken. God says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God tells you that He has formed you before you were born, and He knows you well. God whispers in your ear, "My darling, you are all together beautiful and there is no flaw in you." God says that you are worth so much more than rubies, and that nothing anyone could ever desire could even compare to you. God says that you are much more worthy than all the flowers in the field and the sparrows in the sky. God says that although you may be a sinner, He loves you. Sweet child of the Lord, Jesus loves you so much. This cannot change. This cannot be taken. This love is everlasting and nothing you or anyone else has done to you will EVER change His divine and never ending love for you. The person who abused you and told you the lies of hate and rejection is not true. The parent who told you you weren't good of told you nothing but a lie. When you heard them say that you are ugly and weird, for that was so far what is actually true. And when satin the enemy told you that what they did to you was the end, when satin said that there is nothing more for you, when satin yelled that what they said is true, he was lying. His lies are tricky and hard to notice, satin is deceptive and tries to make you think that it is over for you. Satin is lying to you because he is so afraid of you fulfilling the plan God has for you. Satin knows that the plans for your life are amazing plans to give you a future and hope, and he is so terrified of you knowing that truth. He whispers the lies in your ear, and he hopes you will listen and believe him. Darling, altogether wonderfully made child of the King, choose truth. God has exceptional plans for your life and God will not harm you. You are loved, you are valued, you are important. This is a fact. It cannot be changed, taken, or stolen from you. I beg you to choose the truth and know what is true. Know your value. Because whatever has been taken from you today is weighing on your heart, but know, precious child, that your value has not been stolen. Know that you are valuable. Know that you are important. So to all the hopeless. Abused. Rejected. Depressed and hurting people out there, know your value. Please know that your value cannot, will not, and won't EVER be taken from you. You are loved.
I love it!