I have gotten requests about what type of topics I should do in this new series, and I will do them all!
today, I am going to discuss if Christians can be into fashion. When I say, "fashion," this means dressing as the culture dresses and shopping at popular stores.
Before I even begin, I will say that personally I love fashion. I think it is super fun and it's something that makes me happy:).
Saying that, I don't think it is wrong or a sin to be into fashion!
I also don't think that being fashionable means you are being worldly. Some of the Godliest people I know are totally into fashion.
With fashion comes another question... modesty. I am totally all for modesty! But I think that you can also be fashionable and modest.
I have close friends who choose to not be into fashion, and I have close friends who love fashion. That's your choice:).
As I said in the my last blog about makeup, fashion itself is not a sin, but it can turn into a sin.
Fashion can become of problem if you put your worth in it or put it before God.
You are not loved because you have the cutest clothes, you are loved because Jesus died on the cross for you!
You are not defined by what you wear, you are defined by what Jesus says! (He says your priceless).
So lovely pal...please please do not put your worth in what you wear or what you look like, because it doesn't define you.
Fashion can also become a problem if you put it before God. If fashion is more important than your relationship with God, there is an issue. Make sure you spend time with God and you put Him first in your life:). Live out your freedom from Him, and cling to His good truth!
Because fashion trends change, but Jesus doesn't!
Along with fashion comes modesty...
I have sure been yelled at by my parents.. "Jaycie, those shorts are way to short!" "Jaycie, pull your shirt down!"
this is not all people, but I know a lot of people have gotten yelled at some point or another for having "inappropriate" clothes. (Just so y'all no, I'm not immodest, don't worry, but my brother is super over protective, haha!:).
So anyway... I know that many stores now a days have some super cute clothes, and some super immodest clothes. I have discovered that anyone can wear cute clothes that are still modest.
If you want to know if your clothes are modest, you have to come up with your standard for modesty.
Some girls only wear skirts that go to their knees, and others wear shorts that go up on their thighs. It is what you feel comfortable with and what you feel God is leading you to do. Pray about it:). I have a blog designated just to modesty, and I will link it below.
overall, I don't think their is anything wrong with fashion! I actually think it is important how you dress. You are not defined by how you look, but it is important we take care of ourselves and respect ourselves:). It's totally ok to be fashionable while respecting yourself at the same time!
love everyone!
jaycie :)
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