Faith, Hope, and Love

     Hi beautiful, amazing, and world changing people! Today we are gong to learn more about faith, hope, and love. Faith, hope, and love are three extremely important actions that we need to have in our lives. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now these three remain:faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." Jesus made it pretty clear that faith, hope, and love are all important, love being the most. As Christians, it is our will to follow God's will for us, and this is why we need to know what faith, hope, and love are, and how to live by them each and everyday!!
     Faith is something I know many Christians can struggle with occasionally because it takes some courage and trust. Faith is knowing that God's will is greater than your own, and doing as He wants even when it doesn't all seem to add up. In the dictionary, it states that faith is "complete trust or confidence or someone or something," and that someone or something in our lives is God. I think this pretty accurate, although, the dictionary says that faith is a noun, but in our walk with Christ, faith needs to be a verb. What I mean by this is that faith is an action! By having faith, we need to do the things God leads us to do, even when they seem scary, crazy, or impossible! Sometimes it can be hard to have faith, but by knowing God's word, it will become a lot easier.:) We know that God knows the end from the beginning, which is in Isaiah 46:10, so that means that God has a reason to why He is asking you to step out in faith because He  knows what will happen because of it, and He has good plans for it! God tells us that His plans for us are good and they are to help us prosper (Jeremiah 29:11), so we know that by taking a leap in faith, He will give us something good! God is going to watch over our life and keep us from harm, which God tells us in Psalm 121:7, so there is no reason to be afraid. We also don't have to worry, but instead if we pray, we will experience God's peace, which is greater than anything we can understand (Philippians 4:6-7). God has given us countless reasons to step out in faith and trust Him, and because of His loving and truthful word, we know that by having faith, we can move mountains, which He tells us in Matthew 17:20.
     Hope is another super awesome and important action our Sweet Savior wants us to have in our lives! Hope is what allows us to hold on and not give up, even in the bad times. When we have hope in our lives, we can overcome even the hardest trials and we can even do it with a smile! James 1:2-4 tells us, "My brothers, count it as pure joy when you face trials and tribulations, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. And let patience have its perfect work, and that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." So we know that trials are going to come, and this is because the devil does not rest and his goals is to put us through trials and hurt us. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone whom he may devour." The devil is always looking at us and who he can hurt, which is how we know that he will attack, and trials do come. But it's ok! There is HOPE! In trials of life, our hope will pull us through. Our hope IN JESUS is what anchors us in from destruction and death. The hope of life and truth is what we need to cling to in those hard times. John 10:10 tells us that, "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but JESUS HAS COME, so that we may have LIFE, and have it to the FULLEST!" THIS, my sweet friends, is our HOPE!!  In trials and tribulations, when the devil is stealing our joy, destroying our life, and killing our relationships, we have hope that we WILL live life to the fullest and we WILL thrive because Jesus tells us there is hope. There is hope, beloved friends, sweet sisters and brothers, beautiful children of the Lord, so do not EVER let the devil steal your hope. For hope is truth and hope brings life, and there is so much hope in your life. Don't listen to the lies of the devil, don't give up on your marriage, don't stop trying, don't quit on life, because there is hope. YOU have hope. YOU are valuable, and your trial has a purpose in the eyes of God. The devil will not win, for it isn't even a battle! Jesus has conquered death and Jesus has destroyed the enemy. You have won, it is finished. Jesus has won, it is finished.
     Love is the last action we are going to learn about today. God tells us love is the greatest of the three, so love must really be important! There are many ways to love, and so many people to love! We need to love other people, and we need to love ourselves. We love ourselves by knowing Whose we are, and how God thinks of us. God LOVES us , so by knowing how loved we are, we can love ourselves. This is different from being full of yourself. Being full of yourself is loving yourself because of how great YOU ARE, and how YOU think of yourself. But truly loving yourself is knowing WHOSE you are, and that you are loved by GOD and you are valuable because of Him! God also wants us to love others. God tells us this in John 13:34, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another." God has commanded us to love one another as He loved us. That is unconditional, ultimate, never changing, sacrificial love! That is the most greatest and purest love ever, and that is how we ought to love one another. It can be intimidating. It can be hard. We need to love one another with the most perfect love there is, the love of Jesus Christ. So I believe that it is pretty easy to love people who love you back, and I'm sure you do to! I mean, if someone loves you, why wouldn't you love them back? On those people, we need to pour out the love of Jesus on them and fill them with hope and joy! But... What about those people who are so annoying? Who are mean? Rude? Always sad and unhappy? Grumpy? Unsocial? Unkind? Do we need to love them too? Well, let's see what God tells us about how to love them. God tells us in Luke 6:27-28, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you." So God didn't say to only love those who love you, but He actually states in the bible to love on even your enemies. This is because we are to love with the love of Jesus, and Jesus loved EVERYONE, so we are to love EVERYONE. So yes, the mean, rude, grumpy, and angry people in our life are to be loved on with the same love we give to the people who love us back. Love others and share hope! You never know, you might even change a life. ;)
Have a very blessed day, my sweet friends! And always keep faith, hope, and love in your precious hearts and lives!
