can a christian girl wear makeup?

Hey! So I am going to start a new series about whether Christians can do things that are pretty common in today's culture. This first post will be whether a christian can wear makeup. Sorry guys! This first post will be for the girls!

Just a disclaimer, you could have a different opinion than me, and that is totally okay!

Can a christian wear makeup?
I know some Christians who choose not to wear makeup, and others who wear so much that you can see a different skin tone on their face compared to their neck.

Personally, I wear makeup.

I don't think their is anything wrong with makeup, but I think that makeup can be abused and turn into a bad thing.

If you enjoy putting on makeup and you like how it makes you look, there isn't anything wrong with that!
But if makeup becomes an obsession, and without it you feel worthless and ugly, then it may be a problem. You shouldn't have to rely on makeup to feel beautiful.

I know that for me personally, I like putting on makeup and trying different things. I think it can enhance features and help girls feel more comfortable. And there is nothing wrong with that!

But you can't let makeup can't become an idol. Makeup doesn't define who you are, and it doesn't change how much God loves you.

If you are wearing makeup to impress someone, that can become unhealthy really quickly! I know we all have a desire to look nice, and that is completely normal.

But sweet pal,there is a difference between wanting to look nice and wanting to impress someone. Trying to impress people is an endless game that will only leave you exhausted and hurt. Because as much as we want to, people fail us. Pleasing people isn't satisfying and will only leave us empty.

 So I don't think there is anything wrong with makeup! Makeup is fun, it makes you feel good, and it helps enhance your features!

But I think that just like many things in this world, makeup can become bad if it becomes an idol. As silly as this might sound, makeup can't come before God. Makeup can't determine your worth, and makeup can't be used as a way to impress others.

This was a super short post, but I think that everything was covered in it! Let me know if you choose to wear makeup, and what you thought about the post. You can comment below or email me at :)

jaycie :)


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